Escuela De Arte José Nogué Jaén - España


1. Information about the school / university

  • Number of students total / art or design : approximately 475 students
  • Language(s) of the courses for foreign students: Spanish
  • Courses in the fields of:
  • Graphic Design Degree

Short Cycles:

    • Photography
    • Sculpture
    • Molding
    • Illustration
    • Furniture Design
    • Interior Design


2. Weblinks


3. Study visit 

  • Period of the stay :

The EAJN works in academic years and offers students the following types of subjects (exam period included):
- Annual: from September 15th  to June 25th .
- Subjects of the first semester: September 25th - February 1st ,
- Subjects of the second semester: February 5th - June 25th .

  • Housing : The Erasmus+ office will help the student find accomodation, but to begin with they can visit this link :
  • Possibility of internship:
  • Specials / Tips :


4. Course content and main topics ( you can find all this information on our webpage)

  • Specificity of the teachings in Art and Design :
  • Organisation of classes (general times of workshops, courses, opening hours of the ateliers – Are the classes rather in the morning or afternoon? When do the students work on their projects ?)


5. City and location of the university

  • Where can students inform themselves on the daily life in the city to prepare for their stay ?


6. Application procedure:

If you wish to send us the nominations of your students, within the framework of the Erasmus + Programme, please provide us with the following information through the email

We will only accept nominations sent by an international office or university personnel with nomination competences.

You must be a nominating international office or institution staff member to fill in this data and not a student. All fields are mandatory.

    • Name of student as it appears on his/her passport.
    • Student e-mail address (Address must be checked regularly as the application will be created with this e-mail and students will use it to log into our system and receive all correspondence).
    • Field of study

The Department of International Relations, after receiving the nomination, will check if the applicant can be accepted according to the bilateral agreement and will send an email requesting the following documents:
• Passport or identity card
• Photography (Format: JPEG, dimensions: 212 (width) x 264 (height), Resolution: 300 dpi, Depth: 24 bits, File size: less than 500K Background: white and uniform, totally uncovered head and without sunglasses or any other complement that could impede or hinder the identification of the person)
• European Health Card or private medical insurance covering the entire duration of their stay in Spain

Documents to provide:

The sending institution must send us the student's nomination, confirming that he/she has been selected as an Erasmus student.
The minimum level of Spanish required to study in the EAJN is B1. For this reason, the nominees will have to prove it with a certificate that must be attached to their application. As an exception, we accept A2 language certificate of Spanish at the time of applying, if the student commits to obtain B1 certificate before arrival.


7. a. Semester workload:

The methods of evaluation vary according to the subjects and the criteria of the teaching staff of each subject, although all of them are based on the continuous evaluation of the student. The main methods applied are:
• Written and oral exams
• Individual or group written work
• Oral, individual or group exhibitions


b. Transcript of records: The head of the Erasmus+ Department will sign a certificate of attendance when the exchange period comes to an end and will also send the qualifications («Transcript of records») to the Centers of origin.


8. a. How do you organize the distribution of materials with students ? Do they pay for it ? If so, when and how ?

The international exchange student will be exempt from payment of tuition and school insurance, however, small amounts may be charged for costs related to the use of various materials such as photocopies or other materials. These amounts will be equivalent to those charged to local students for the same concept.

b. Also how do you handle the rental of certain equipments such as cameras, computers, technical equipment, etc. ? Is there a specific system you use ?

We can´t rent anything at our institution.